Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Doctors Depravity
Essay By Tyeson Alsalihi
This is about an old Japanese secret facility that the Japanese used to do some pretty bad things with. A lot of them where on live humans that would be taken and experiment on, they would cut off their body parts and even take their organs for what they call science research; they would also do this to teach young soldiers something (don’t know what) but they called this place unit 731 but only the people that work there know about this place because they would hide it be hide the name as a undercover medical experimentation place of some sort.
One of the people that was force to work there was just a farmer that was told if he didn’t do as he was told he would have to be killed. So, of course he did and the 1st thing he had to do was to open up a live him. He said “That this guy was about 18 or 19 and that he didn’t say anything because he knew what was about to happen to him, but as soon as I pulled out the knife he start to scream really loud but I had to do what I was told so I start to cut him open form the chest down. He started to scream even louder but he finally stop and I didn’t know if he was die or not.” After that he said it got easier and easier but for some reason he remembers that one so clearly and wishes he never had done it.
This place was super big it was about 150 buildings in a 4 block radius, This place also held about 3,000 to 12,000 people that used to do things on it didn’t matter what for but all where men that they have taken and they would like kids and women because they didn’t believe in them or doing things to them so they would just kill then asap.
This place was used to find out shit they could use for the War and would they could do to win it even if it means kill their own people just to win the war. While a big this they find out that there was no one who severed this and that the government was under control of this whole thing.
My opinion is that this was a really bad deal that happen in Japan and the worst part is that the movement was be hide this whole thing and didn’t care who die as long as they were finding what they were looking for and it seems crazy that they would kill Kids and women so they could take the men and do whatever they wanted with them.
This might sound bad but it seem like the big bomb we drop kind of stop them from doing any worst and actually made them stop doing what they did. So yeah this was a really bad thing that happen but the question is if are government is still or was doing anything like this????