Wednesday, September 27, 2017

I feel like it shouldn't matter because it should be up to the couple if they want to record the wedding or not. If they want them to record their wedding they should because they are gonna pay him and the company should be good enough.

At the same time a company should be able to say no if they want as long as they have a actually reason that isn't about same-sex, they should have to have a real reason like they want us to do something we can't or is wrong.

I don't think it is right for companies to stop working for same-sex lovers.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

28th Amendment

28th Amendment: Free Education after High School

You automatically get Free Education after high school but only for the 1st career choice, so you'll be able to go to college for the 1st year free. You can go back to college as many times as you want but the 1st career choice will be free and after that it will be cost you money.

Monday, September 25, 2017

1st Memory & Lie

When i was little about 2 or 3 I was trying to climb I'm the side of my big T.V. and the cords got rapped around my leg and the T.V. fell on me and broke my big toe... I remember waiting up in the Doctors room.

I really can't think of my 1st lie

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Image result for Car Ads

US: Super Quiet Car
CS: The Actyon Sports Dual Cab
UR: Nice because it's a diesel that is super quiet
CR: The Perfect Truck because it's quiet
Q: What is the Historical background of this Amendment
                A: After the 1800 Presidential Election, the 12th Amendment was adopted to fix a flaw in the Constitution that had allowed Thomas Jefferson to tie in the Electoral College with his vice-presidential candidate Aaron Burr.
Q: What does this amendment mean today?
                A: Always us to vote for both the Vice-President and President
Q: Present examples of current issues involving this amendment

                A: I couldn’t find any issues with the 12 amendment at the current moment