Friday, January 19, 2018


1. Bad
2. To win
3. second table
4. Use my hands to talk
5. hard to know the rules
6. yes because it shows how hard it is to talk to other countries
7. Yes
8. We have to understand there point of view before doing something

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


So, he was talking about how we should always stand in another person shoes and see where they are coming from before we decide on our actions. He really opened my eyes when he was talking how they saw us as Christian that wanted to kill off their races even though we were there for the oil, we wanted to our own.  When they looked us up they saw nothing but rich white people running the streets of American even though it’s nothing like that at all, but that’s the only thing they saw from the webpages, plus they would see those Christian army boot camps that would make it seem like we are training kids to fight the war for us so when they get older they can go to Iraq and kill them and take everything they have but at the same time Americans are seeing Muslims kill Americans and chopping off their heads to show power and that they aren’t giving up on their country.  So, from both point of views all we see is are the bad stuff because both courtiers want to seem like the good guys even though either of us are really doing anything good. Even though a lot of people want to go over there and help build schools, give food, and help them out in overall, all they can see is the bad stuff we do because of the people in American are kind of giving that aspect to make them mad and make all Americans look bad, even though most of us want the best for both sides and just want world peace. The also proves way there will never be world peace, just image trying to make world peace without both sides seeing the good the other wants to do.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Freaks and Geeks

Freaks and Geeks

Freaks and Geeks shows how people during high school have to make hard decision on who they should hangout with. Like for the main character she is having trouble deciding witch group to get involved in, she wants to be apart of the smart people, but she also wants to be apart of the people she thinks is cool to her. For her little brother he gets bullied around by a older kid because he is young and smaller so the older kid makes himself by pushing around. The show, shows how kids try and get themselves involved with other people and how they try to do anything to be cool.