Thursday, August 24, 2017

Journal #1

My Favorite Word: Contemplating
My Least Favorite Word: Mad
One Thing I Like About My Life: My Friends
When Think I Dislike about my life: How Short I Am
Profession I Would Like To Take: Something to do with movie making
Profession I Wouldn't Like To Take: Brain Surgeon
Describe Myself in Three Words: Friendly, Funny, and outgoing

For my personal reason for learning psychology is to gain as much knowledge about the human brain as possible so I can understand how people think and feel and why they are thinking that way or feeling that way. I feel like it would be really cool to know what is going on throughout the human brain and why we do the things we do.
I really hope by the end of the year I can understand more about the why people think how they think and how to be predicated what people are feeling and how to changes people’s minds and persuade people to do what you want them to do and convince them to do what you want without them even wanting to.

I would like to gain all the experience of how to teach people easily without having to go through anything hard and being able to push myself when my head is telling to stop or quit. It would be amazing to be able to look at someone and know how they feel about a situation without even having to ask them how they feel about whatever is going on at the time.

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