Friday, November 10, 2017


Tyeson H. Alsalihi
What Affects Intelligence
                So basically, the website I was on talk about how genetics and the environment might affect how intelligence a person will be or not. Many studies believe that your genetics have a huge roll on you IQ level no matter where you come, they also believe the type of environment can affect your intelligence to. For example, say you leave in a house and your parent don’t care if you go to school or do good at school. You might not have the best of grades and yours learn level might not be very high at all, but if your environment say has strict parents and they make school the most important thing in your life, you will probably be a lot smart and do better in school or on the IQ test.
                Now when it comes to genetics, you might be born with some learn disable or you might not be able to learn fast, this could all be affected but your genetics. I guess in my opinion this could affect your learning level or your intelligence but at the sometimes I feel like it based on your movement on wanting to learn and want to get smart instead of what you are bored with. Now at the sometime if you have a learning disable, like you can’t read or something of course that’s going to hold you back.

                Intelligence isn’t an easy topic to talk about because there are so many factors that can affect it and it would be hard to come up with a perfect way to fix it. There will never be a perfect way to make people smart and you can never class anyone as being dumb or smart because they might be good at one thing but at another so it’s just a hard topic to read and talk about.

Link to website:

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