Friday, November 10, 2017

Tyeson H. Alsalihi
Why College Should Be Free
                So, I need extra credit and decide to talk about “Why College Should Be Free”. So in this essay / Blog I will be talking about it and why I think it should be free for kids to at least get 2 years of free college.
                So, everyone knows that College is super expensive and in my opinion, it should not be so much just to go to college, I’m there are tons of people that won’t even go to college because they’re afraid of having debt and never being able to pay it off. Most kids that go to college end up paying for it for the rest of their lives and do not get to do the things they like because there to busy working to pay off the debt for college, plus they have house bills, car bills, and more with their college debt and loans to pay off. Now, I’m not saying it should be completely free, like they should have to pay for their apartment, books, computers, and whatever else they need but, the actually college itself should be free for students, I feel like they’re would have to be new rules add to this though, like if a student is getting bad grades he should have to pay a fee or something for wasting the colleges time and effort to teach them.
                I feel if college was free that kids would go through it and it would lead to more people being successful and having better lives, even if just two-year colleges were free it would increase more success for kids and more people would have good jobs and it would make life so much easier.
                Now for money I understand it cost a lot for the government to keep a college going but if we just took some of the money from our military and use that for schooling and education it should be enough from people to at least make two-year colleges free and make 4-year college much cheaper for students to join. I know this is easier said than done but this would be a jump for education and it would lead for why more success in the USA and people would be so much happier.
                I could be wrong, and this could be a bad idea, but I feel like it would be a huge step in education and increase people going to college.

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