Tuesday, February 20, 2018


1.       That quote is talking about destroying someone’s life. It would be so easy for a man to go over to another man’s house and destroy his life without even putting a finger on him. You would just have to take away everything he loves and make sure he could never get him back and you could make him go absolutely crazy because of it.   
2.       I think that our Savage self would take over because the civilized self won’t always do what it takes to survive or be on top. The savage side of us would do whatever it takes to be on top and live longer than anyone else and would do it whatever it takes to be the man on top. In real life our civilized side is in more control then our savage side but that’s because of the area we live in and we never get put in bad situations, but if you put someone in the position where he has to pick what to do, the savage will come out.
3.       This is kind of a hard question to answer because it’s a totally different situation in African than it is in America. At this point society is mostly controlled by people because we set up the rules and what is called the norms. Without the rules and mind set people set for us in the past… we would be absolutely crazy, and people would do whatever they want every day of their lives. We can’t live in a society, were rules don’t matter.
4.       So, Simon is going crazy because he is low on food and water, he thinks he is having a conversation with the Lord of the Flies but it’s just his own thoughts. He obviously can tell he is getting ignorant by the people he is on the island with. I just think this could’ve happened to anyone he was just the first one to lose it and didn’t know what he was doing and was talking the pig because he was afraid and need someone to talk to and that’s what he made up. Imagine trying to live on a island with a bunch of kids going crazy, with low food and water, you are bound to go crazy and possible die.

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