Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Refugee Questions

11.       Anywhere from 18 months to 24 months
22.       110,000 Refugees
33.       Burma and Iraq
44.       39,000 Muslim Refugees
55.       Most Refugees settled in California, Texas, and New York
66.       My three surprises
a.       How many refugees we took in during the 80s
b.       We take in more Asia than any other
c.       How much it has drop. I thought it would go back up like it was in the 90s
77.       My two things
a.       I’m kind of surprised by how many Muslims we take in after the attacked in 2001
b.       Why we take so my Christian
88.       Because people don’t like let’s other people in our country that weren’t born here.
99.       South Dakota is used to be mainly Somalia until about 2010 and it became Mainly Bhutan
110.    A lot of states main refugees are Dem. Rep. of Congo and that Alaska actually gets refugees  
111.   He deiced to have a limit or ceiling of 50,000
112.   After March it starts to go back up
113.   Almost 1 in 100 people are displaced
114.   About every 6 out of 10
115.   European Union countries plus Norway and Switzerland

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