Thursday, November 30, 2017


1.      Ten Years
2.       U.S. Senate
3.       7 Senators and 8 Representatives
4.       3 Democrats and 12 Republicans
6.       Langford is One
7.       Three Democrats
8.       30% Democrats / 46% Republicans
9.       Because they might want to implement a new system of drawing
1.   Members would not be able t hold public or political party offices
1.   23,622
1.   I feel like they should just keep the system the same because if you keep changing things the system will get messed up

1 got bigger / 1 got smaller / 2 got way bigger too / 6 then got smaller and moved/ Why did 6 go away / 28 got smaller / why do they need a A and B / Why does it move so much / Why do some move so much / how does it get changed?

Friday, November 10, 2017


Tyeson H. Alsalihi
What Affects Intelligence
                So basically, the website I was on talk about how genetics and the environment might affect how intelligence a person will be or not. Many studies believe that your genetics have a huge roll on you IQ level no matter where you come, they also believe the type of environment can affect your intelligence to. For example, say you leave in a house and your parent don’t care if you go to school or do good at school. You might not have the best of grades and yours learn level might not be very high at all, but if your environment say has strict parents and they make school the most important thing in your life, you will probably be a lot smart and do better in school or on the IQ test.
                Now when it comes to genetics, you might be born with some learn disable or you might not be able to learn fast, this could all be affected but your genetics. I guess in my opinion this could affect your learning level or your intelligence but at the sometimes I feel like it based on your movement on wanting to learn and want to get smart instead of what you are bored with. Now at the sometime if you have a learning disable, like you can’t read or something of course that’s going to hold you back.

                Intelligence isn’t an easy topic to talk about because there are so many factors that can affect it and it would be hard to come up with a perfect way to fix it. There will never be a perfect way to make people smart and you can never class anyone as being dumb or smart because they might be good at one thing but at another so it’s just a hard topic to read and talk about.

Link to website:
Tyeson H. Alsalihi
Why College Should Be Free
                So, I need extra credit and decide to talk about “Why College Should Be Free”. So in this essay / Blog I will be talking about it and why I think it should be free for kids to at least get 2 years of free college.
                So, everyone knows that College is super expensive and in my opinion, it should not be so much just to go to college, I’m there are tons of people that won’t even go to college because they’re afraid of having debt and never being able to pay it off. Most kids that go to college end up paying for it for the rest of their lives and do not get to do the things they like because there to busy working to pay off the debt for college, plus they have house bills, car bills, and more with their college debt and loans to pay off. Now, I’m not saying it should be completely free, like they should have to pay for their apartment, books, computers, and whatever else they need but, the actually college itself should be free for students, I feel like they’re would have to be new rules add to this though, like if a student is getting bad grades he should have to pay a fee or something for wasting the colleges time and effort to teach them.
                I feel if college was free that kids would go through it and it would lead to more people being successful and having better lives, even if just two-year colleges were free it would increase more success for kids and more people would have good jobs and it would make life so much easier.
                Now for money I understand it cost a lot for the government to keep a college going but if we just took some of the money from our military and use that for schooling and education it should be enough from people to at least make two-year colleges free and make 4-year college much cheaper for students to join. I know this is easier said than done but this would be a jump for education and it would lead for why more success in the USA and people would be so much happier.
                I could be wrong, and this could be a bad idea, but I feel like it would be a huge step in education and increase people going to college.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Mass shootings tied to Evolution?

 Some men think they need to prove their manhood by doing an act and sometimes they think very out of control and do thinks most people would not do. When they asked women about this they did not know what to say or do when they got ask about this, but when you would ask a young boy or man they would know what to say and how to tell you. See some men just don’t know how to react to these things and want to prove themselves by doing something crazy and sometimes that leads to killing someone or multiply people.
In South Africa they found out that men that have killed other men have more women or wives and get sexual interaction or, have more power and people become scared of him and they think that is how you become a man and get your “manhood”. A lot of people wonder if they ever understand what they did after they have done it. Honestly, we won’t know unless we could actually be in their mind and know what they are thinking, a big drive for people according to this website is… that man want a sexual drive and in other countries women will follow the man that as killed other men, and they will get the most sexual drive back.
I think a man has to have something wrong with him because the normal person does not just go around shooting people like crazy and killing tons of people for no reason. There is always some reason be hide it. Most of the time people show sign and we need to take them seriously and tell people about it. A lot of people do this because

I hope I’m on some kind of right track because I did not really understand everything that was being talk about on the website because how they talked about it but I will give it my best shot.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

I feel like it shouldn't matter because it should be up to the couple if they want to record the wedding or not. If they want them to record their wedding they should because they are gonna pay him and the company should be good enough.

At the same time a company should be able to say no if they want as long as they have a actually reason that isn't about same-sex, they should have to have a real reason like they want us to do something we can't or is wrong.

I don't think it is right for companies to stop working for same-sex lovers.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

28th Amendment

28th Amendment: Free Education after High School

You automatically get Free Education after high school but only for the 1st career choice, so you'll be able to go to college for the 1st year free. You can go back to college as many times as you want but the 1st career choice will be free and after that it will be cost you money.

Monday, September 25, 2017

1st Memory & Lie

When i was little about 2 or 3 I was trying to climb I'm the side of my big T.V. and the cords got rapped around my leg and the T.V. fell on me and broke my big toe... I remember waiting up in the Doctors room.

I really can't think of my 1st lie

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Image result for Car Ads

US: Super Quiet Car
CS: The Actyon Sports Dual Cab
UR: Nice because it's a diesel that is super quiet
CR: The Perfect Truck because it's quiet
Q: What is the Historical background of this Amendment
                A: After the 1800 Presidential Election, the 12th Amendment was adopted to fix a flaw in the Constitution that had allowed Thomas Jefferson to tie in the Electoral College with his vice-presidential candidate Aaron Burr.
Q: What does this amendment mean today?
                A: Always us to vote for both the Vice-President and President
Q: Present examples of current issues involving this amendment

                A: I couldn’t find any issues with the 12 amendment at the current moment 

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Scientific Analysis Assignment

1.       How ADHD and ADD effect children’s grades
2.       Kids between 6-12 grade
3.       Yes
4.       They went to a couple of schools and compared kids with ADD and ADHD to kids without it, by how they learned and how their grades were doing.
5.       Did really do anything to the subject but it did help them figure out a way to teach them easier than using the normal class room.
6.       Most of them figure out a better way of learning and gained better grades in the out come
7.       They we’re very surprised about how it didn’t matter if you have ADD or ADHD but instead how it matters how much the kids listen and want to learn at a young age.
1.       About helping people with heavy drinking problems get over it.
2.       68 Drinkers
3.       No
4.       They brought in people that drink a lot but only enough not to consider them an alcohol use disorder.
5.       Help them control their drinking and even stop some of them from drinking over all
6.       Most of them stop drinking under 11 mins
7.       Yes
1.       Talking about how adults who have higher expression of the CD38 gene and CD157 gene are friendlier and more socially adept
2.       Doesn’t really tell us
3.       Yes, from National University od Singapore
4.       Randomly
5.       Nothing it was just to test adults with lower and higher CD38/CD157
6.       They noticed that adults with higher signs of CD38 and CD157 were more socially adept
7.       Yes, but they didn’t know it would affect them that much.
1.       Research by the University of Exeter, published in the journal Psychological Medicine found that a new onset mental disorder may be a consequence of exclusion from school.
2.       They used many students, mainly of secondary school age.
3.       Yes, University of Exeter

4.       Mental disorderADHD and ADD
1.       How ADHD and ADD effect children’s grades
2.       Kids between 6-12 grade
3.       Yes
4.       They went to a couple of schools and compared kids with ADD and ADHD to kids without it, by how they learned and how their grades were doing.
5.       Did really do anything to the subject but it did help them figure out a way to teach them easier than using the normal class room.
6.       Most of them figure out a better way of learning and gained better grades in the out come
7.       They we’re very surprised about how it didn’t matter if you have ADD or ADHD but instead how it matters how much the kids listen and want to learn at a young age.
1.       About helping people with heavy drinking problems get over it.
2.       68 Drinkers
3.       No
4.       They brought in people that drink a lot but only enough not to consider them an alcohol use disorder.
5.       Help them control their drinking and even stop some of them from drinking over all
6.       Most of them stop drinking under 11 mins
7.       Yes
1.       Talking about how adults who have higher expression of the CD38 gene and CD157 gene are friendlier and more socially adept
2.       Doesn’t really tell us
3.       Yes, from National University od Singapore
4.       Randomly
5.       Nothing it was just to test adults with lower and higher CD38/CD157
6.       They noticed that adults with higher signs of CD38 and CD157 were more socially adept
7.       Yes, but they didn’t know it would affect them that much.
1.       Research by the University of Exeter, published in the journal Psychological Medicine found that a new onset mental disorder may be a consequence of exclusion from school.
2.       They used many students, mainly of secondary school age.
3.       Yes, University of Exeter
4.       Mental disorder 

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Journal #1

My Favorite Word: Contemplating
My Least Favorite Word: Mad
One Thing I Like About My Life: My Friends
When Think I Dislike about my life: How Short I Am
Profession I Would Like To Take: Something to do with movie making
Profession I Wouldn't Like To Take: Brain Surgeon
Describe Myself in Three Words: Friendly, Funny, and outgoing

For my personal reason for learning psychology is to gain as much knowledge about the human brain as possible so I can understand how people think and feel and why they are thinking that way or feeling that way. I feel like it would be really cool to know what is going on throughout the human brain and why we do the things we do.
I really hope by the end of the year I can understand more about the why people think how they think and how to be predicated what people are feeling and how to changes people’s minds and persuade people to do what you want them to do and convince them to do what you want without them even wanting to.

I would like to gain all the experience of how to teach people easily without having to go through anything hard and being able to push myself when my head is telling to stop or quit. It would be amazing to be able to look at someone and know how they feel about a situation without even having to ask them how they feel about whatever is going on at the time.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Doctors Depravity
Essay By Tyeson Alsalihi
This is about an old Japanese secret facility that the Japanese used to do some pretty bad things with. A lot of them where on live humans that would be taken and experiment on, they would cut off their body parts and even take their organs for what they call science research; they would also do this to teach young soldiers something (don’t know what) but they called this place unit 731 but only the people that work there know about this place because they would hide it be hide the name as a undercover medical experimentation place of some sort.
One of the people that was force to work there was just a farmer that was told if he didn’t do as he was told he would have to be killed. So, of course he did and the 1st thing he had to do was to open up a live him. He said “That this guy was about 18 or 19 and that he didn’t say anything because he knew what was about to happen to him, but as soon as I pulled out the knife he start to scream really loud but I had to do what I was told so I start to cut him open form the chest down. He started to scream even louder but he finally stop and I didn’t know if he was die or not.” After that he said it got easier and easier but for some reason he remembers that one so clearly and wishes he never had done it.
This place was super big it was about 150 buildings in a 4 block radius, This place also held about 3,000 to 12,000 people that used to do things on it didn’t matter what for but all where men that they have taken and they would like kids and women because they didn’t believe in them or doing things to them so they would just kill then asap.
This place was used to find out shit they could use for the War and would they could do to win it even if it means kill their own people just to win the war. While a big this they find out that there was no one who severed this and that the government was under control of this whole thing.
My opinion is that this was a really bad deal that happen in Japan and the worst part is that the movement was be hide this whole thing and didn’t care who die as long as they were finding what they were looking for and it seems crazy that they would kill Kids and women so they could take the men and do whatever they wanted with them.
This might sound bad but it seem like the big bomb we drop kind of stop them from doing any worst and actually made them stop doing what they did. So yeah this was a really bad thing that happen but the question is if are government is still or was doing anything like this????